Observance of our rules and regulations by all guests will ensure a pleasant stay for current and future guests.
Rent must be paid in advance in the form of check with proper ID or any major credit/debit cards.
Check out time is 11:00 AM. Contact the office for late departure rates.
There is no charge for electricity usage unless you are staying on a monthly basis.
Visitors are allowed as long as they comply with these Rules and Regulations. It is your responsibility to inform them of such.
All visitors must register with park management and if staying overnight, pay applicable overnight visitation fees.
Day visitors must leave by 10PM.
Any visitor who violates these Rules and Regulations will be asked to vacate the premises immediately.
Everyone is expected to keep their site clean and orderly. All trash should be bagged and brought to the dumpster. There is no trash pickup at your site.
All sewer lines must be free from leaks and have a "donut" or threaded attachment into the sewer.
Your camper or RV must be a maximum of 10 years old, and kept clean and free from mildew, dirt and grime.
Alcoholic beverages are allowed only at your site, and not in the park common areas.
We do not allow clotheslines, and please do not wash autos in the park.
Due to noise, generators are not allowed in the park.
Oil changes and major vehicle maintenance is not allowed but other minor fixes may be. Check with the office before performing any vehicle maintenance or repair.
No clothes washing machines or dryers allowed outside your RV or at your site.
If there are any problems or damages at your site, please inform us immediately.
Modification or access to any electrical, lighting, plumbing or cable TV utilities or equipment is not allowed.
If your site is located near light poles, power transformers or any other utility apparatus, please do not touch them, attempt to open, operate or modify them in any way.
Under NO circumstances are these allowed:
No tarps covering anything
No window AC units
No fences in yard
No utility trailers at site; must be in designated parking area (see manager for details)
No parking on the grass, ever.
Camp fires are allowed with cut fire wood only if the fire is off the ground and in portable fire pit no larger than 36” in diameter.
Excessive use of fire starter is not allowed. Use of diesel or gasoline is not allowed when starting personal camp fires.
Burning of trash or anything other than wood is not allowed.
Please do not start or maintain excessively smoky fires by using green wood, leaves or pine needles. We want to maintain positive interactions with our neighbors.
Keep your fire pit or BBQ apparatus a minimum of 15’ from any neighboring camp site or structure.
Campfires and BBQ apparatus must be extinguished fully by dousing with water by 11PM nightly.
Any campsite with an active fire pit or BBQ apparatus must have an operational fire extinguisher onsite that is subject to inspection.
Fire wood in excess of ¼ cord is not allowed to be stored or stock piled at sites and must be kept neatly stacked.
Fire wood cannot be brought in from an off-site location and must be purchased at the park store.
No disruptively loud music or TV noise is allowed at any time.
Quiet hours are from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM.
Children must be supervised by an adult at ALL times. Do not let them wander around other people’s sites without site occupant permission.
Revving of car/ truck engines is not allowed at any time in the park, no matter how much you want to show off. It is unnecessary and disturbs the peace.
Dogs and cats are allowed in the park. No other pets or live stock are allowed.
Any dog deemed aggressive by management is not allowed in the park.
Pets must be on a hand held leash any time they are outside and must have tags indicating owners name and phone number in case they become lost. Loose pets will be transported to the nearest animal shelter.
Everyone is expected to clean up after their pet and dispose of excrement properly (bagged and in the dumpster). Please do not just leave it in the grass for your neighbors to step in.
Do not chain your pet outside or leave it unattended inside your camper, especially if it tends to bark excessively which can disruptive to your neighbors.
If you must leave your pet inside your trailer, please notify the office and leave a phone number where you can be contacted in case of a power outage or other emergency.
You may see a variety of wildlife in our park including deer, bobcats, wild hogs, ducks, birds, alligators, turtles, frogs, squirrels and other creatures.
Do not touch or harm any wildlife in this park. Hunting or trapping is not allowed.
If any wildlife is bothering you please notify the office.
Hanging hammocks or clotheslines or otherwise damaging the trees, is not allowed.
Please do not cut down any trees, limbs or bushes for any reason. Notify the office if you see any vegetation or tree limbs that are a concern.
Under no circumstances are you allowed to cut trees to use for fire wood.
Please do not climb any of our trees.
Please do not attach any item (flags, ropes, chains, tarps, cables, etc.) to the trees.
Please do not allow children to go near the lakes without adult supervision.
Swimming is not allowed in the lakes. There is no lifeguard on duty at any time in the park.
Our lakes are considered “wild” and may contain wildlife indigenous to that environment (alligators, snakes, turtles, etc.)
1-2 man canoes or kayaks with oars are allowed for fishing only at your own risk. Absolutely no motor-powered boating is allowed whatsoever. Boating is AT YOUR OWN RISK.
You must wear a life jacket while on lake water. There is no life guard on duty.
You must remove your canoe or kayak from the lake when you are done boating and store it at your campsite.
Our lakes are stocked with fish for your enjoyment.
Rod and reel or cane pole fishing is allowed only in designated areas.
Wade fishing, bow fishing, trot lines, jugging, explosives, tree lines or any other type of fish netting/trapping is not allowed.
Catfish between 14”-20” can be kept at a maximum quantity of 3 per fisherman per day.
All bass are catch and release only.
There is no limit on perch.
Please do not leave your fish lines unattended or staked out.
There is a max limit of two rod and reels or cane poles per fisherman.
Observe a safe speed not to exceed 10 mph and always watch for children, pedestrians, other parked vehicles, pets and wildlife.
Obey all stop signs, road signs and come to a complete stop at all intersections. You must yield the right of way to all pedestrians.
Bicycles, electric scooters and electric golf carts are allowed and subject to all driving rules.
Skateboarding is not allowed.
When exiting the park, be courteous to the commuters on FM 1942.
Drive on the paved park roads only.
Do not use pull-thru spaces for short cuts.
Park in your own area or assigned spot.
Do not park in open spaces without prior office approval.
Do not park or drive through the grass or where the grass is supposed to be.
See map for designated visitor parking areas.
Shower and restroom facilities are located in the park. All customers are welcome to use these facilities as long as you clean up after yourself and respect the rules. The restrooms are cleaned daily with antibacterial cleaners for your protection. If there are any problems please let us know immediately.
Shower curtains should be kept closed in order to keep floors and rugs dry.
Trash from restroom use may be put in the restroom trash, but please do not use these for your regular RV trash.
Do not wash dishes or utensils in the restrooms.
Please do not flush anything other than toilet paper. Do not flush any feminine hygiene, paper napkins, cloth rags, product wrapping, diapers or anything that is not toilet paper.
Children are not allowed to use these facilities without adult supervision. Any damages will be the responsibility of the parent or supervising adult.
Smoking is not allowed inside the restrooms or any of our buildings.
Please keep your laundry in a suitable bag or basket while walking in the park to and from laundry facilities.
When using the laundry facilities, make sure you keep track of all your garments.
Lost garments are subject to disposal and will not be taken to any “lost and found” area.
Do not leave your laundry, soap, or other related items unattended.
When laundry cycles are complete, remove your items and free up the machines for the next person.
Please do not wash boots or shoes in the washers and dryers.
Please check your laundry pockets prior to washing or drying clothes for pens, coins, screws, bolts, washers or any other small items that may damage the machines. You will be held liable for damages.
See posted rules inside wash facilities for more specific guidelines.
Absolutely no use of firearms, BB or pellet guns, airsoft guns, paint ball guns, bows, or cross bows, explosives or fireworks is allowed in the park.
Go-carts, "Hoverboards," ATV’s or RTV’s are not allowed to be operated in the park.
You can, however, keep them stored on or in a trailer for recreational use outside the park.
"Drones" or UAVs of any kind are not permitted to be flown within or piloted from within park.
NO fly, NO exceptions unless under contract to perform aerial photography on behalf of Wildwood Lakes.
Fighting or wrestling is not allowed at any time.
Public intoxication of any type is not allowed in the park.
Illegal drugs are not allowed in the park.
We reserve the right to refuse to accept further rent from any person who fails to comply with these rules and regulations and may request that their space be vacated immediately. There will be no refunds. Illegal activities will be reported immediately to the local authorities.
Park policies and rules were put in place to assure the park remains a safe, clean, and quiet park for everyone to enjoy. These rules are to ensure the welfare of all campers staying with us. All guests are subject to the same rules and it is your responsibility to follow them.
All guests are expected to comply with all statutes, ordinances, and requirements of all municipal, state, and federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to the premises. Be aware that this property falls in a 500-year flood plain and the property owners are not responsible for any losses or damage to guest property caused by nature or any act of God including floods, rains, tornados, hail, wind, fire, falling tree branches, lightning, electrical surges or any other act of nature, etc.
Occupancy rates are based on 4 persons and 2 vehicles per RV site. Cabin rentals are based on 2 persons and 1 vehicle per site. Any additional occupancy will be added to the application and will be charged the additional rate depending on the length of your stay. All fees for overnight guest must be paid to management in person, placed in the drop box or paid online at the time of check in.
All rent is due at the time of check-in unless previous arrangements have been made with management. For long-term guests rent must be paid upon check-in or a $50 dollar penalty will incur. All rent is nonrefundable and subject to change.
All guests and their visitors are subject to the same rules and it is the guest’s responsibility to inform their visitors and make sure that all rules are followed during their visit. Like guest, all visitors must also have a parking permit displayed on their vehicle rearview mirror. If you are notified by management that you or your visitor are in violation of any rule and you continue to not comply, you and or the guest will be asked to leave immediately. Any damage or destruction of any property will be paid for by the responsible party.
At the time of check-out campers are required to clean up their site before leaving and must notify management of their departure.